She said, with great frustration. “Why did God make men?!?!!?” Her husband stood over by their minivan with his head down, pretending to be fiddling with the gas door flap. He was embarrassed.
Read moreBreaking Down Barriers: The Call to End Racial Separation in the Church
However, as society has progressed and barriers to racial integration have diminished, the continuation of these divisions within the church has become increasingly untenable.
Read moreEnduring Till the End In An Increasingly Hostile Environment
If the leadership at the top had responded to the pandemic by supporting liberty of conscience and promoting the health message, I wouldn’t be up at six in the morning writing this article.
Read moreWhy We Need Each Other
So, you might ask, how do we develop this kind of fellowship, where we can trust each other? It takes an investment of time and relationship building with the Holy Spirit involved at every step.
Read moreLife as a House
Psychologists like Emily Anhalt tell people we should change wedding vows from “till death do us part” to “as long as this feels healthy, safe, and meaningful for both of us.” It’s treated like it’s as temporary and commitment-free as dating, but with extra steps. Sterile. Void. Barren.
Read moreWhy I Am a Black Conservative
We as Blacks and Africans have our problems and they are all rooted in what we call Black Spiritualism. Our insecurities, our fears and our mistrust of other races are the strongholds that the enemy uses to keep us in the faulty system of racial separateness.
Read moreGod Why Are You Doing This? . . . Am I Going To Die?
This is a film about Faith's confronting encounter with God. She was healed - but only by the prayers of a friend - a faithful servant of God. It will encourage you to consider your own relationship with God.
Read moreWhat to Do ??
Because of the benefit we received from this booklet, we have shared many copies over the years with persons who were struggling as we were. We found it to be both encouraging and very personally challenging.
Read moreConferences And Churches Working Together
The early church was not without similar problems like what some churches today are facing. None other than the loving Apostle John was disinvited to speak to churches. His letters could not even be read publicly.
Read moreNo, Love is Not Love
So the next time you hear these idioms: "For the love of Pete”, or "Love makes the world go round", or "All you need is love" and its churchy counterpart "Just preach love not doctrine, man" ask this critical question. "What kind of love are they talking about?"
Read moreLeftists Hate God Because They Want His Job
Leftists’ war on God says less about him than it does about them. They are driven by a lust for control and a belief that mankind is infinitely malleable, as long as enough force is applied. Their real problem with God? They want His job.
Read moreSomething Special Happened to Me Yesterday
And something about that image—the freeze-frame in my mind’s eye of him biting into that apple—sent such a delightful joy throughout my soul.
Read moreIt's Time to Reconcile (conclusion)
How can I forgive them? If I am kind and loving toward them, they won’t realize how much they have hurt me. They need to be punished so they’ll see just how bad they are!
Read moreIt's Time To Reconcile (part 1)
We are told by worldly psychotherapists and secular counselors that we should take care of ourselves first and stand up for our rights, especially in our marriages and filial relationships. We are drilled on our need to guard ourselves against “abusive” and “toxic” relationships.
Read moreThe View From The Sixth Floor, GC Session 2022
Delegates face a peculiar problem, that of becoming a small but powerful elite that, instead of holding the Church to account on behalf of the people/members, they offer leaders unconditional support in exchange for the illusion of influence.
Read moreWar is peace
I came to the US in 1995 from a communist country, so I experienced the sad reality of a country where the government runs everything. It took me several years to be cured of all the socialist ideas.
Read moreCensorship and The GC Session Agenda
The conference may legally own facilities, but spiritually, it stewards them on behalf of God’s people. For noteworthy speakers, internet popularity and the ability to rent other facilities provide a workaround.
Read moreThe New Censorship
The place where God speaks to the person is in the conscience. It is where we reason with God (Isa 1:18-20). For this reason, the conscience is hallowed ground. Protection of the conscience is the essence of religious liberty.
Read moreRhode Island Democrats Propose Doubling Taxes On The Unvaccinated
Individuals will be fined 50 dollars, their personal income tax will be doubled, and employers will be fined $5,000 a month for each "unvaccinated" employee. This bill makes no allowance for religious exemptions, or natural immunity, which even Pfizer admits is highly effective.
Read moreTracing the Cause of Personal Problems
We turn to the promises of the Bible, but they seem to mock us. The fear, anxiety and emptiness remain so we settle for the form of godliness while lacking the power of godliness.
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