Kinship’s mission now is about sexual orientation as self-worth, celebrating “bisexuality month” and other oddities, and locating the pinnacle of one’s identity through sexual expression.
Read moreHomosexuality Is a Choice (part 2)
Ingrained in society is the notion that homosexuals cannot change. This stance is not only incorrect, but a subtle yet direct attack against Christianity and a clever attempt to rob the gospel of power.
Read moreEight Unforgettable Lessons From Sodom
Friends, God is calling His people, as in the days of Lot and Noah, to separate themselves from the prevailing iniquity of the world. The heritage that God has promised to His people is not in this world.
Read moreLove You to Death
My brothers and sisters in Christ you are damaging souls, possibly permanently preventing them from entering the Kingdom, by promoting a message that leaves a person where they are.
Read moreIs There a Connection? From Female Pastors To LGBT
When churches approve female pastors (using the argument of gender equality), are they more likely to affirm practicing LGBT persons, using similar arguments?
Read moreThe Horrifying Evidence: Jordan Peterson Was Right About Transgender Totalitarianism
Read that again. Let it sink in. Truth is not a defense. Evidence doesn't matter. What matters is whether someone's feelings were hurt. And thus, with a stroke of the pen, the rule of law is replaced with the rule of feelings.
Read moreSerious Concerns Continue to Overshadow Southern Adventist University
I am addressing this in a public way, rather than privately, because what Southern is doing is very public and will affect the well-being not only of my own student, but the many thousands of others as well.
Read moreAn Open Letter To Southern Adventist University
Dr. Smith, please tell me, will the many thousands of dollars I am paying to Southern Adventist University be used to provide a truly solid, Biblical, Seventh-day Adventist education?
Read moreDon't Judge Me (Part Two)
GFLGBT+LO appears to be pushing for acceptance of terms and practices that do not please God. This is not the redemptive approach outlined by Jesus for His disciples.
Read moreDon't Judge Me! (Part One)
LGBT+ rights advocates seek to silence Christians transformed by the gospel. Those who long campaigned for tolerance are now the intolerant.
Read moreNow California wants to Criminalize Christian Morality And Sanctification
We are actually facing serious moral questions and basic issues of legislative moral revolt that no previous generation of Christians had to face. And the terrain is changing so very quickly.
Read moreChurch Music and Gay Activism
High quality music is very valuable to Christian worship, but it must not be allowed to become an avenue of homosexual activism.
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