Why Theological Liberalism Must Be Exposed And Resisted

Liberalism believes that Jesus must be clothed with modern cultural garments; throw upon Him the deceptive LED light of modern sentimentality, and all meaning will come to us.

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Jeremiah 44 And Rebellion

“As for the word that you have spoken to us in the name of the LORD, we will not listen to you!  But we will certainly do whatever has gone out of our own mouth, to burn incense to the queen of heaven…”

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Neutering or Killing? A Response to George Knight's Book (Part 2)

An alarming warning should be sounded immediately and a firewall built to resist these erroneous views as contained in Knight’s favorite small book to prevent them from shattering the scriptural advent faith.

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Neutering or Killing? A Response to George Knight's Book (Part 1)

It does not take a prophet to see the danger and threat of Knight’s conclusion in his apocalyptic studies on the advent faith as a whole and the difficulties it will create in calling people out of Babylon.

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An Unwashed Thumb In The Eye Of The Entire Church--Silver Spring SDA Church Ordains Woman

You want to participate in voting on Church decisions? Great. Then you must abide by the decisions. If you won’t abide by them, them you forfeit any right to vote in them, going forward.

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From Women's Ordination to LGBT Ordination

So why are we talking about this now?  It is because this particular story about the Church of England, illustrates that it will never end with the ordination of women.

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George Knight Versus The General Conference

What we Seventh-day Adventists request of the rebels—who are losing the sense of mission that was entrusted us—is to respect what was voted in GC Session, or resign from their administrative leadership.

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Now California wants to Criminalize Christian Morality And Sanctification

We are actually facing serious moral questions and basic issues of legislative moral revolt that no previous generation of Christians had to face. And the terrain is changing so very quickly.

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It's The Culture, Stupid

Behold what Evolution hath wrought.  If eons ago we winced at jazz, we now jerk and twitch to gospel rock.  Our young girls previously came to church dressed; now they pose in the foyer for selfies in Lady Gaga body sheaths and briefs--candidates for the next #meToo.

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