Puberty can blur the pages of Scripture. So can willful blindness by adults who think that rather than discussing God’s holy sexuality and His intentions, we’ll all somehow find our way.
Read moreExchanging the Truth For a Lie, or Bait & Switch?
Is our persecution now coming from within the church? Are we beginning to exchange the truth for lies? Have we become victims of Satan’s "bait and switch"?
Read moreUpdate on Moral Freedom Seminar in Gränna Sweden !!

At the end, the Christian politician who attended over the weekend, approached Anna Mellin, who was instrumental in organizing the event, and asked that they pray over me. He said that he was very happy that he came.
Read moreA Compassionate Response to a Public Outcry
We pride ourselves with prophetic light, as though that’s all we need to sustain what has become a brittle and disintegrating denomination. The lack of spiritual guidance, can certainly “feel” like “spiritual abuse.”
Read moreStudents From Walla Walla Protest Sabbath Sermon on Resolving LGBTQ Sin
The meeting also drew protesters, many of them from nearby Walla Walla University. These pro-LGBTQ protesters stood on the sidewalk outside, some of them waving signs that said “I’m gay, SDA, and it’s ok!”
Read moreWhat's The Big Deal About Conversion/Reparative Therapy? (Part 1)
LGBTQ Activists have campaigned with legislative lobbying, bringing bills and claims before governments which impede upon both freedom of speech and religious freedom. This includes praying with someone who is voluntarily seeking to leave LGBT+ culture for Jesus Christ.
Read moreLimited Time Offer
We can’t belong partly to the world and partly to Jesus. We can’t believe part of the Bible and part theories and philosophies of the world.
Read moreAre Your Sights Set On The Promised Land?
Heaven isn’t a five star amusement park to indulge the senses. Heaven is the accomplishment of rescuing God’s servants and having them present with Him for eternity
Read moreLove You to Death
My brothers and sisters in Christ you are damaging souls, possibly permanently preventing them from entering the Kingdom, by promoting a message that leaves a person where they are.
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