If the behavior problems in schools and the heightened level of sensitivity on college campuses are any indication, this parenting approach hasn’t produced the positive outcomes we were hoping for.
Read moreJohn MacArthur Acknowledges The Bible Does Not Support Women Preachers
Home is where God promises to bless women’s labors and make them fruitful (Psalm 128:3). To a godly woman, keeping a home is a delight, and the words “Go Home” are sweet.
Read morePope’s Amazon Synod Proposes Married Priests and Female Deacons
The majority of 180 bishops from nine Amazonian countries also called for the Vatican to reopen a debate on ordaining women as deacons.
Read moreNAD Pushes Female Clergy Pin For 2019 Pathfinder Camporee Attendees
Whatever one’s attitude toward liberalism, it’s difficult to ignore that it is tremendously mischievous in its attempts to gain control of the youth of an organization.
Read moreSteve Wohlberg Discusses The SDA Ordination Controversy While Shoveling Snow
In spite of today's trend of blurring gender distinctions, men and women are clearly different in anatomy and God-given roles. We should always remember this.
Read moreThe Dying Breed of Real Men
So, to the real American men, regardless of color, creed, or politics, this is a tribute to you. YOU are the glue that holds your family together. You are who God made you to be, not some confused “Sort of” swimming in a pool of auto-developed estrogen.
Read moreYoung Boy Sets The Record Straight On Female Ordination
We could be looking at a future pastor or evangelist here. He probably wouldn’t be hired by the NAD.
Read moreT.E.D. Requests Gender-Inclusive Language Changes For Elders In Church Manual
From the very mention of Compliance in the hallowed halls of Battle Creek, you could already hear the stentorian social justice battalion storming the lawn of the GC . . .
Read moreNPUC Executive Committee Affirms NAD Pro-Defiance Document
All nine Unions in the NAD will likely issue statements endorsing the NAD Pro-Defiance document. The pressure on them to do so will be significant.
Read morePUC Recorder Magazine And Its Strange Metrosexual Cover
The cover features two guys pushing baby strollers and leaning towards each other in a manner reminiscent of housewives sharing butternut soup recipes over the back fence.
Read moreLaymen And Pastors in Australia Speak Out Against Ordaining Women
Faithful Seventh-day members have consistently refused to capitulate to the unsacred demands of this culturally progressive wing of the church. Because it isn’t biblical.
Read moreHungary Removes Gender Studies From Universities
Gender studies (academic feminism) long ago abandoned any pragmatic reason for their existence. They are far more concerned about protesting the word patriarchy than learning how to spell it.
Read moreNorwegian Union Rejects Conference Unity Request
Norwegian Adventists were represented at the 2015 GC Session with a ratio of one delegate for every 504 members. But East Kenyan Union Adventists were represented by delegates at a ratio of one delegate per 18,965 members
Read moreQ&A With Pastor Ted Wilson: Is Ordination Biblical?
"The church union where I live has taken away the title of ordination from all pastors and has decided not to ordain any new pastors."
Read moreTwo Lesbian Pastors Get Married in Church
This is not consistent with Biblical theology, but it is quite consistent with progressive leftism these days.
Read moreWhy The Annual Council In October Will Probably Change Our Church Forever
Many church members do not realize how much is really at stake here regarding the unity of our church. Fortunately, some do.
Read moreRadical Feminist Website About To Shut Down, Admits No one Cares
Feminism may be approaching an epoch where it proscribes itself out of existence, by scorning the protection and moral codes of biblical patriarchy.
Read moreToxic Masculinity Blames Boys For Being Born Male
The presence of true masculinity, filled with the Holy Spirit, means our churches are safer, stronger, and better equipped to address the challenges of our Advent mission.
Read moreYes, Boys And Girls Are Different
There’s a trend in American parenting that may not have reached every corner of the country, but it is quite visible in progressive communities: gender-neutral parenting.
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