The Madness of Crowds: Gender, Race And Identity (Book Review, Part 2)

Rather than engaging in society, sharing ideas, debating concepts, and engaging in the give and take of healthy discourse, we are retreating into sullen and fearful silence, afraid to speak up.

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The Madness Of Crowds: Gender, Race and Identity (Book Review, Part 1)

As nature abhors a vacuum, into this spiritual and theological vacuum has flooded what is essentially a new “religion,” i.e. radical atheism as manifest in social justice activism, identity group politics and intersectionality.

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A Biblical Perspective on Climate Change

Would you want to live on an earth made new? If your answer is Yes, then get your gear together, for all Biblical signs and prophesies are screaming loud and clear, The End is Near!

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Catholic Lawyer Exposes Pope's Alliance With UN For Population Control

"Climate change is based on faulty science and was manufactured as a justification (a ruse) to impose population control on the world."

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Dawn of Interspirituality 2018: Ecumenical Model Of Pope Francis

When I mentioned a few non-ecumenical religious confessions, he agreed that the most difficult are Seventh-day Adventists, especially because they continue to believe that the Papacy is the Antichrist.

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Vatican Urges Religions To Support UN's Sustainable Development Goals

In this strange world of twisted reality, you have the Seventh-day Adventist Church AND the Roman Catholic Church both supporting a global leftist agenda. And the Pope just implied that you are sinning, if you don’t.

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Stop Blending Religious Liberty With Global Leftism, Please

You can virtue signal for the UN Agenda or be faithful to the Three Angel’s Messages.   But you can’t do both at the same time.  Here’s why.

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Seventh-day Activists

They find themselves embarrassed by direct evangelism, and they prefer social outreach to direct soul-winning.  

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