Presenting Biblical Truth in a Hostile Culture

The Bible is sufficient, friends. We do not need sociologists and psychologists to complete us in our thinking about humanity. We don’t need vainglorious theologians to tell us what the Bible means.

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Women’s Ordination, the San Antonio Compromise (Part 1)

The NAD’s strategy to place as many women as possible into pastoral ministry will set the stage for a move toward individualism and congregationalism within its own territory.

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The Madness of Crowds: Gender, Race And Identity (Book Review, Part 2)

Rather than engaging in society, sharing ideas, debating concepts, and engaging in the give and take of healthy discourse, we are retreating into sullen and fearful silence, afraid to speak up.

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The Madness Of Crowds: Gender, Race and Identity (Book Review, Part 1)

As nature abhors a vacuum, into this spiritual and theological vacuum has flooded what is essentially a new “religion,” i.e. radical atheism as manifest in social justice activism, identity group politics and intersectionality.

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Kanye West, Climate Change, And The Mark Of The beast

Kanye West—one of the most powerful cultural influencers of our time—has recently dedicated his life to Jesus. He now holds Sunday Services on his property, which resembles more of a concert than a traditional service.

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Like Lot's House, The Church is Being Surrounded

Our great needs are a return to the Word of God and a gift of the Holy Spirit. With these mighty helpers we will say “No” to unbiblical culture, and “Yes” to Christian courage.

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Sorry, China is Not a Model For Women's Ordination

China is a mixed bag, and definitely not the place to look for guidance in deciding if gender should be an issue in the choice of spiritual leaders.  We must instead, follow the Bible.

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Regarding NAD Tithe Parity

“We need more money to grow our church,” they say.  However, statistics show quite the opposite.  As more money is received, membership “growth rate” in the NAD is in a decline.

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