The ramifications of that excommunication were brutal to our family. However, the anguish that was caused by the loss of all we knew and held dear God was able to use for good.
Read moreA Sin Often Unseen
Does this mean that everything every individual minister, ruler, or conference leader does is right, or that they will never make mistakes, or that it is impossible for them to commit sin? Hardly!
Read moreDon't Be A Normie
If you view child sacrifice as a self-limiting anomaly, the trans craze as a phase, and identity politics as a passing fancy, you’ll be tempted to sit back, relax, mind your own business, and wait for the madness to subside. Those tactics will get you nothing but a nonbinary grandchild.
Read more'We're Here, We're Queer And We're Coming For Your Children'
Conservatives: 'The LGBTQ mob is coming for your children.' 'The left: 'You are making it all up. That's a nutty conspiracy theory.' 'LGBTQ parade last Friday: “We're here, we're queer, we're coming for your children.''
Read moreBeware of Pride
The drunkard is despised and is told that his sin will exclude him from heaven; while pride, selfishness, and covetousness too often go unrebuked. But these are sins that are especially offensive to God.
Read moreLoma Linda University Endorses Pride
“In that day you shall not be shamed for any of your deeds In which you transgress against Me; For then I will take away from the midst of thee those who rejoice in thy pride” (Zephaniah 3:11).
Read moreThe Priesthood of Experts?
In the Seventh-day Adventist Church, health is not a cordoned-off domain where lady justice, pink hair flying and nose rings flaring, bars God’s entry with flaming sword.
Read moreDaniel 11: The Takedown of the United States and Adventism: Part One: ‘The Dilemma’
In the Dark Ages the Bible was chained to a desk, written in Latin—a language the common people could not understand, and it was claimed that only the priests and the pope were capable of interpretation.
Read moreConference Wants to Ordain a Woman With Odd Ideas About Sexuality
The Bible’s teachings on sexuality is not the product of white privilege, ‘systemic racism’ or ‘patriarchy’ (which is a good thing), but rather it is the revealed will of God Almighty for human flourishing.
Read moreReviewing the July 3 NAD Public Affairs Religious Liberty Panel Discussion
Often, religious liberty voices have been wrapped around legalese, instead of being relevant to the advancement of the Advent message commissioned to Seventh-day Adventists.
Read moreA German Legacy of Shame
In an effort to protect themselves, they became complicit in Hitler’s persecution of the Jews and fellow Christians. Now, predictably, they have jumped on the bandwagon with those who accuse the world church of being a “misogynistic” church.
Read moreA Seventh-day Adventist Seminary Professor Calls Ellen White a Racist
To arrive at this conclusion, the professor misquoted various statements of Ellen White about amalgamation. He would often single Cristiano out, ridiculing his beliefs in front of the class.
Read moreGanoune Diop Interviewed By The Berkley Center
These are not merely separated brethren with whom we can curry favor and share truth. These are dangerous individuals, with a cosmology that is at variance with the Three Angels’ Messages.
Read moreThe Cross, the Center of Christ’s Message to Laodicea
Furthermore, such trials purify our character. Providing the white garment of Christ’s own righteousness with an exclusive and expensive fabric with a pattern woven in the looms of heaven.
Read moreWO Proponents Will Oppress You In Order To Get Their Way
She also calls for Conferences to ban evangelists and speakers who are opposed to female pastors, again claiming that these men create a “hostile environment.”
Read moreShould I Apologize or Not?
A mile down the road I realized that I had probably hurt her feelings with my defensive comment. I asked her if it did, and she said yes. Right then, I had to make a choice.
Read moreThat's a Shame !!
I am fascinated by the casual comment that closes chapter two of Genesis, “The man and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame.”
Read moreIf Left To My Own Devices
You may pursue any crazy cause from social justice to woman’s rights and O what a lot of rights women can be told they have.
Read moreChanging Leaders: Understanding The Times (part 1)
“Spare thy people, O Lord, and give not thine heritage to reproach,” (Joel 2:17) and let me not make things worse.
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