My opinion is that Adventist Christians don’t care about sharing the Message like we used to. Our solution to our church problem is hire someone else to fix it.
Read moreResponse To The Church's Statement On Race and Humanity
As people of the Book, we lift up Bible truth and the Everlasting Gospel as 1) the real solution to the racist heart and 2) as an antidote to the false social gospel that is presently masquerading as an angel of light.
Read moreWho Gives You The Right?
What is the highest authority in the local church? Is it the pastor, the Conference, or maybe an elder? No. The highest authority lies with the church members themselves. They are the constituency of the local church.
Read moreRefuge In The Mountain
What concrete hope can we share in the face of the earth’s downward spiral? Where should we counsel people to take refuge?
Read moreOchlocracy
Under mob rule, laws, reason, and justice do not matter, being overpowered by people's worst instincts and whims. In that system, your rights – of speech, of self-defense, of a fair trial, and so on – no longer exist.
Read moreIdentity Crisis in The Church
There is an identity crisis in God’s church today that is causing much frustration, guilt and defeat. An identity crisis comes when we begin to question who we are and who we should identify with.
Read moreIt's Time For A Good Old-Fashioned Conversation About Salvation, er, Repentance
Instead of clinging to preconceived beliefs about the other person, I propose that we ask (and answer) some basic questions about salvation. What could be more important than that?
Read moreLabyrinths: Bringing Paganism Into The Church
Paradoxically, while the Christian community talks about "spiritual warfare" and "putting on the full armour of God," many of these same churches can be found embracing that which they claim to oppose.
Read moreWe Interview Wayne Blakely About His New Book Challenging The NAD Book "Posture Shift"
We used to uphold Scripture. But now so many want to reinterpret Scripture to accommodate their desires. Holding up sound doctrine is often seen as radical and fanatical.
Read moreSatan's Lawful Captives: Us
So I checked the EGW online search engine, the EGW equivalent of Google, and found 47 references for “lawful captive/s.” No question, we are, alas, Satan’s lawful captives.
Read moreA Tale of Two Pandemics
Obesity puts the body in a pro-inflammatory state. “Pro-inflammatory” means promoting inflammation. Generally speaking, obese individuals have a higher level of inflammation compared to leaner people. Obesity worsens the prognosis of viral infections.
Read moreHow To Avoid Returning Evil For Evil
The good news is there are Three mighty heavenly Beings who are constantly at work to take our desire for something better and turn that into a knowledge of the plan of salvation.
Read moreProphet of The Last Days
So, I’m on the four-year program and loving it! Of course, this systematic reading plan does not include all of the magazine articles, pamphlets, and letters Ellen White wrote, nor her printed sermons. Truly, God has a whole lot to say to His end-time people!
Read moreIs the SDA Health Message Still Relevant Today?
With the advancements in modern medicine is it safe to assume that what we eat no longer has an effect on our life expectancy? Has science once and for all disproven Ellen White’s bold claim that meat-eating causes cancer?
Read moreLast Generation Theology and the Modern Christian World
For some time now, there has been a gradual and deliberate drive on the part of some persons to move the theological foundations of Adventism further and further away from certain doctrines and beliefs
Read moreClimate Activist Recants His Alarmism, Then is Victimized by Cancel Culture
‘I remained quiet about the climate disinformation campaign because I was afraid of losing friends and funding…’
The trap was set perfectly, and I stepped right in. I was pretty confident too, until I discovered I am more like Peter before the crucifixion than Daniel.
Read moreAdventism And Race
They should renew themselves, put on Christ, and take off their “Whiteness,” “Brownness,” or “Blackness.” It is truly said that man looks on the outward appearance, while God looks on the heart.
Read moreEmasculated by Masks
Dehumanisation is rarely followed by anything good. Face masks are another worrying portent of what’s to come, alongside a seismic shift in mainstream discourse.
Read moreMasks...To Wear Or Not To Wear? What Saith The Lord?
I would have to agree that there is some validity to this suspicion. In any case, we all know that Satan is behind all this chaos, taking full advantage of it. But, that is not to say that Covid-19 is a hoax, that it is not real.
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