A common myth is that Paul restricts women from teaching because in the first century, women were typically uneducated. However, this text nowhere mentions educational status.
Read moreFeminism in the Church--Role Playing (Part 1)
This list of women was used to prove that there were women leaders in the Bible, and so we, as a people, should also have women leaders and pastors.
Read moreIs Hurry Hurting You?
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28).
Read moreThe New Andrews University President Contrasted With The Old One
I want to thank the Search Committee for its work and the Board of Trustees for entrusting me with the responsibility to lead Andrews University into the future.
Read moreThe Praise Plan
Which means that we were created to think like God thinks. As our thinking reflects God’s thinking, there will be good regulation of the bone marrow through the nervous system.
Read moreThe Book of Revelation Illustrated Verse by Verse
Eight years ago, I traveled around sharing studies on Revelation 17. I would draw scenes using stick figures to help people understand these verses. I would use stick men because there were no images available for all the verses.
Read moreLet's Get Back to the Basics on Church and State Separation
Rights of conscience that we have taken for granted in this country have been trampled, and within Adventism experts who are supposedly our foremost defenders of religious liberty have excused and defended these abuses.
Read moreClimate Change and the Church. Are We Ready For What is Coming?
This panel discussion addresses several important topics, including church groups making Climate Statements (Adcom etc..) Laudato Si, the United Nations, the Papacy, and climate alarmism. Where is this all is headed?
Read moreShall we Have Open or Closed Communion?
Just as the Passover pointed forward to the Lord’s Supper, the Supper points forward to the end of the age when the redeemed are gathered unto the Bridegroom (Luke 14:15). We call it the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.
Read moreA Third Wave Feminist Icon Discovers There is a Great Controversy Going On
What we have lived through since 2020 is so sophisticated, so massive, so evil, and executed in such inhumane unison, that it cannot be accounted for without venturing into metaphysics. Something else, something spiritual must have done that. And I speak as a devoted rationalist and third generation feminist.
Read moreInvesting in The Gospel For ALL
My recent research has prompted a very important project. A crucial project, requiring tens of thousands of dollars.
Read moreInteresting (and Humorous) Anecdote About William Miller
The doctor was unaware of who the patient was. He then told others who were sitting around waiting for their turn, that the man he now had in front of him was a great competition for William Miller.
Read moreAdventists Pass out Great Controversy's At Asbury University and Pray With People
Jerrod traveled to Asbury University along with Wyatt Allen from Indiana to observe and encourage young people involved in the revival there. They passed out Great Controversy’s and interacted with the people at Asbury.
Read moreA Bedlam Of Noise in SDA Churches
In many places we have adopted the ways of the world and brothers and sisters it is a sign that probation is soon to close. Music in some of our Seventh-day Adventist churches has gone too far.
Read moreA Spiritual Revival Is Happening at Asbury University
Without any planning or rehearsal, the meeting then changed as a line of students formed, all desiring to stand near the platform, compelled to speak. Their testimonies and confessions continued, well past the chapel hour.
Read moreThe Papacy's War on National Independence
The concept of national autonomy must be broken, or at least cowed to the place where nations become compliant. In the words of Jerome Aleander, the laity are in no position to judge for themselves.
Read moreOpen Letter From Daniel Bacchiocchi To Andrews University Administrators & Trustees
It is becoming clear to some that the core problem represented by Prof. Moreno´s complaint against von Maur is rooted in the Diversity, Inclusion and Equity (DIE) department.
Read moreChurch of England Votes Same-Sex Blessing
Participants in the debate warned that this was a red line, that the decision would cause great damage to the global communion, but the decision was made anyway.
Read moreThe Political Function of Apologetics: Defending the Faith at the End of Time
What clear teachings of Scripture are we willing to ignore in order to appease the society outside the church doors? What conceptualizations of the greater good are we asked to adopt in contradistinction to the greatest good of the gospel?
Read moreAre You Sick of Professional Victimhood Yet?
Stop telling the world how oppressed you are. Stop telling everyone what is holding you back, and start telling everyone what you will overcome. This builds maturity and sets the tone for what is coming.
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