The Priesthood of Experts?

In the Seventh-day Adventist Church, health is not a cordoned-off domain where lady justice, pink hair flying and nose rings flaring, bars God’s entry with flaming sword.

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Rhode Island Democrats Propose Doubling Taxes On The Unvaccinated

Individuals will be fined 50 dollars, their personal income tax will be doubled, and employers will be fined $5,000 a month for each "unvaccinated" employee. This bill makes no allowance for religious exemptions, or natural immunity, which even Pfizer admits is highly effective.

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God's Mercy and Truth in Uganda, A Testimony From John Negro Lugoloobi

In 2014 I went to visit a friend deep in the village and I found some kids starving. They were orphans. My heart went out to them. Being an orphan too, I prayed for them and gave them the coins I had. As I prayed for them, my heart always prompted me to go visit them.

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