It's YOUR Conscience

Due to the sacred nature of conscience, coercion of conscience is an infringement of God's domain. To violate conscience is to violate God's work and man's dignity. Forcing conscience undercuts man's right to communicate with God.

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Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy

The Nazis worked relentlessly to take over the church, with most Germans happy with their new leader. Rules were eventually made requiring all pastors to take an oath of obedience to the Fuhrer. Most pastors took the oath.

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What's the Big Deal About Conversion/Reparative Therapy? (Conclusion)

I could share numerous incidents of grave concern, as I am widely traveled and acutely aware of the powerful escalation of LGBT+ rights on our campuses and in our churches today.

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What's The Big Deal About Conversion/Reparative Therapy? (Part 1)

LGBTQ Activists have campaigned with legislative lobbying, bringing bills and claims before governments which impede upon both freedom of speech and religious freedom. This includes praying with someone who is voluntarily seeking to leave LGBT+ culture for Jesus Christ.

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Is Appetite Connected to Salvation or Is It Just Legalism?

Appetite is an eschatological problem just as it was an antediluvian one. Today the world is suffering greatly under the curse of dissolute eating. As we near the end of time, the results of this vice are staggering.

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An Open Letter to Ganoune Diop

You and other Adventist leaders have been implementing an Adventist-Marxist fusion by permitting social justice movements (and other philosophies) to flourish in Adventist institutions and churches whilst crowding out those who maintain loyalty to the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy.

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