After probably 45 minutes, the lights in the church were being turned off, whereupon we were approached for the very first time by anyone—the pastor as it turned out—to say how happy he was we had come and hoped we would come again.
Read moreThe New Censorship
The place where God speaks to the person is in the conscience. It is where we reason with God (Isa 1:18-20). For this reason, the conscience is hallowed ground. Protection of the conscience is the essence of religious liberty.
Read moreTEACH Services Publishes Jane Iery's Book: Born in Babylon
The study on the antichrist almost broke me. It was THE turning point in my journey, and it was very hard for me because there was so much involved.
Read moreOrdinary Men: Reserve Police Batallion 101
Normal individuals enter an 'agentic state' in which they are the instrument of another's will. In such a state, they no longer feel personally responsible for the content of their actions but only for how well they perform.
Read moreShowdown at High Noon
"Hmmph! Some old lady thinks she can get the best of me? Who does she think she is? I'm a fifth generation Seventh-day Adventist! I was a missionary for crying out loud. Why, I've even taught Juniors! Why, I'm a 6'4” man. No little old lady is going to get the best of me!
Read moreWhat's the Big Deal About Conversion/Reparative Therapy? (Conclusion)
I could share numerous incidents of grave concern, as I am widely traveled and acutely aware of the powerful escalation of LGBT+ rights on our campuses and in our churches today.
Read moreInterview With Ayodeji Michael Olumofe, a Fulcrum7 Reader in Nigeria
My advice to Seventh-day Adventists in America is to hold fast to the faith that has been delivered to us. They should understand that social justice is NOT the Gospel, and that the woke movement is anti-Christianity.
Read moreInteresting Interview With Australian Evangelist Samuel Braga
Media has presented one side of the reality and manipulated it to develop fear in the minds of the population. It is very sad. Australia was a free country, but it no longer is.
Read moreRear Ended by a Semi
I mean how could we have possibly survived without basically a scratch in a wrestling match between a 1.3 liter Geo Metro and a semi truck pulling a tanker?
Read moreDon't Push the Bottle
With force comes responsibility. Whoever is in control is accountable. The more one controls, the more one is responsible. Good intentions do not matter.
Read moreRelevance Is The New Righteousness
If you can push off what’s wrong with you on someone else you’re never going to deal with your own sin and resultingly, you can never be saved by Jesus Christ. You will be lost.
Read moreKeeping Adventist Youth in The Church. A Better Way
When I look around, the majority of my school friends are no longer in the church. I have my own theories for why this is. However, most of my friends don’t know basic Bible truth even though they grew up in our “Adventist system”.
Read moreMy Troubling Experiences With Adventist Education
More recently, about 6 years ago, my sister-in-law took a religion class at Loma Linda University from David Larson in which he very emotionally defended homosexuality.
Read moreThere’s Too Much Fear Around Here
Whether it is standing on top of Pulpit Rock in Norway with no safety ropes or flying 9.5 hours across the ocean in a metal tube, risk is inherent in human life. All good adventures come with risk.
Read moreUnpopular Truth. The Western World is Under Judgment!
The West is a people who are casting themselves headlong into sin, decadence, rebellion, and every lustful desire… and we marvel that nothing is stopping it…
Read moreAre You Related To Lot's Wife?
Worship is a routine formality that just happens to fall on the seventh day of the week. Would you withstand persecution for it? Would we currently withstand persecution for anything pertaining to God?
Read moreBlueberry Evangelist
Family members needed to know God’s end-time messages. Where could she begin? She began by regularly attending her new church home and participating wholeheartedly. She introduced her husband and friends to her new church family.
Read moreShipwrecked College Faith and Recovery
Let the students attending our colleges beware of many pitfalls which they will encounter while attending an Adventist college. Don’t be like me when I thought an Adventist college was an extended arm to help me in faith building.
Read moreThe Others
If we as Christians are truly honest with ourselves, we would understand that many of the world’s perils that we blame on “the others” are truly our fault.
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