Graham (Hoody) Hood rose to prominence during the COVID-19 crisis of lockdowns, coercive vaccination and eroded freedoms that we have all lived under these past couple of years.
Read morePreaching in Hitler's Shadow—Kirkpatrick Reacts, pt. 2
In exchange for recognition and an appearance of legitimacy, in practice, coopted leadership acts to minimize the influence of "true believers." Members that are the most earnest and serious are marginalized.
Read morePreaching in Hitler's Shadow—Kirkpatrick Reacts, pt. 1
And so, we should be interested in the messages given to believers trapped under Nazi oppression. We should learn from their failures and successes in living their faith, for today's society is free-falling into a new totalitarianism.
Read moreWhat Every Christian Needs to Know About Social Justice
Social justice isn’t merely not the gospel. It is anti-gospel. It is anti-gospel in its principles and its finished convictions; it is anti-gospel in its presuppositions and its animating biases.
Read moreWorld Health Organization Says Gender is Non-Binary
The World Health Organization is updating its guidance on gender to declare that “sex is not limited to male or female.”
Read moreThe Delusion of Supporting Abortion
The same principle is at work in the issue of abortion. It does seem to me that the abortion crowd is trying to ease their conscience by changing the vocabulary and the science of human reproduction and sexuality.
Read moreWhat About These 'Official Statements' of The Church? (Conclusion)
In aggregate, there are 11 statements that invoke the United Nations or World Health Organisation. Such reference to supranational political entities may result in (unintended) deference to the UN and its affiliates.
Read moreWhat About These 'Official Statements' of The Church? (Part one)
This unsolicited two-part series on the history of church statements is interesting, and we invite you to consider its implications as we seek to be the Remnant of God and a representative working body of our Advent Message.
Read moreRoe is Gone; Now the Court Must Overturn Obergefell
Overturning Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey was the most significant Supreme Court decision in decades. Now it is time to revisit Obergefell v. Hodges and same-sex marriage.
Read moreCanceling Meaningful Holidays by Pre-Celebration
The era that went from British world dominance to American world dominance was very much a peaceful handover, probably the most peaceful one in history.
Read moreA Compassionate Response to a Public Outcry
We pride ourselves with prophetic light, as though that’s all we need to sustain what has become a brittle and disintegrating denomination. The lack of spiritual guidance, can certainly “feel” like “spiritual abuse.”
Read moreThe Theological Inconsistencies Of SDA Pro-WO Feminism
This student was brave and open minded and willing to challenge his or her worldview when it came into contact with Scripture. The response of the seminary teacher shocks and horrifies me to this day.
Read moreThe Called Convention Controversy
On the next and final day, I was told that word had gotten out to the church leaders over the need to change worship to become more reverent. One person told me, “God answered our prayer!’
Read moreIs The Bible Pro-Life? Pastor Doug Batchelor Answers
Pastor Doug thank you for standing up for all of the commandments and not just one. I've watched you on and off—for the past 2 yrs I've listened to you a lot. I'm a Christian. I'm also Catholic. It may sound crazy but I try to keep the Sabbath and abstain from unclean meats.
Read moreSomething Special Happened to Me Yesterday
And something about that image—the freeze-frame in my mind’s eye of him biting into that apple—sent such a delightful joy throughout my soul.
Read moreCount the Cost: The Hidden Dangers of Government Funding of Religious Education
With external culture wars threatening to break down the doors, religious school administrators and boards who are serious about existing to provide their students with a faith-based foundation should be very intentional about their next steps.
Read moreIt's Time to Reconcile (conclusion)
How can I forgive them? If I am kind and loving toward them, they won’t realize how much they have hurt me. They need to be punished so they’ll see just how bad they are!
Read moreIt's Time To Reconcile (part 1)
We are told by worldly psychotherapists and secular counselors that we should take care of ourselves first and stand up for our rights, especially in our marriages and filial relationships. We are drilled on our need to guard ourselves against “abusive” and “toxic” relationships.
Read moreMeasuring The Strength of Israel
Today, it is very evident, based on the many signs now manifest, that spiritual Israel is facing imminent mortal combat with all of the forces of evil, both human, and angelic, on a scale none of us can presently conceive of.
Read moreServing God From The Back Pew
After probably 45 minutes, the lights in the church were being turned off, whereupon we were approached for the very first time by anyone—the pastor as it turned out—to say how happy he was we had come and hoped we would come again.
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