Some people want to remove the verse markings and make the Bible into more of a novel. No thanks, I need all the help I can get when it comes to memorization.
Read moreAre Your Sights Set On The Promised Land?
Heaven isn’t a five star amusement park to indulge the senses. Heaven is the accomplishment of rescuing God’s servants and having them present with Him for eternity
Read moreThe Sad Fruit of Mysticism & Liberalism in Ohio: Gina Helbley
I like to think those who heard Jesus understood he was talking about a kingdom that was as impartial and generous as Shiva. Where there's room for everyone and everything…
Read moreA Warning To The Church About Date-Setting And Reapplying The Time Prophecies
Here we are warned against “fanciful ideas,” “seductive errors,” “fancifully drawn, alluring pictures,” and “fallacies that Satan fabricates to deceive, if possible, the very elect.”
Read moreDaniel Cuccaro And David Gates: Futurists And Futurologists
Be careful not to fall into the trap of people who listen to those who entertain spurious dreams, then reject the truth when it arrives because of their previous disappointments.
Read moreGerm Theory or Terrain Theory?
He equipped us with an immune system that can fight and not be defeated by all the amalgamations that Satan can do. There is not the slightest doubt that Satan cannot outsmart God.
Read moreOur Neighbor Was Waiting
We swapped stories. We reminisced about the past. We heard how God had brought healing and strength, deliverance and joy to Nick’s life. I had never seen him smile so much and talk so volubly.
Read moreBreaking The 8th Commandment
The Bible states that the two men crucified with Jesus, one on either side of Him, were thieves (Matthew 27:38, 44); however, one thief repented and the other did not.
Read morePope Francis Says Coronavirus Is Nature ‘Having a Fit’ About Environmental Damage
Last November, the Pope said that he hoped to add “‘ecological sin’ against our common home” to the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
Read moreAll Hail
The virus is real. But whether the intentions of government leaders are good or evil, it will be the vector for a terrible infection of state power over us.
Read moreThis Is But The Overture
The video cameras pan across eerily vacant pews. But the show must go on. So the all-male middle-aged pastoral staff lays itself about the carpeted steps to the rostrum, like expensively tailored pin-striped walruses.
Read moreThe Mysterious Workings of Providence
But for some reason, this particular day I decided to keep working. I think I was near to finishing with that big tree, and didn’t want to leave it until morning.
Read moreUnprecedented !
Never one to let a crisis go to waste, climate alarmists are praising the unprecedented, wartime-esqe measures to combat COVID-19 as a pattern that should be extended to fight climate change.
Read moreConditioned to Complain
“What are you going to do if it does get stuck in the truck? Are you still going to praise God?” I hesitated. “In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus” (1 Thessalonians 5:18).
Read moreThe Coronavirus Panic Plague--Run For Your Life!
While the world’s face darkens over, are our faces brightening? Are we scared stiff at the notion of trouble such as there never has been? Or are we excited and elated, exclaiming, lo, this is our God? We have waited for Him!
Read moreOur Greatest Need
In other words, can these things stand as a barrier between us and Jesus Christ? Can they separate us from Him who first loved us? Can they block the way?
Read moreThe Catalyst of Culture (Conclusion)
Group-think can be the bane of intellectuals on university campuses, local laity focus groups, or Conferences. In short, this “culture” trumps God more often than not.
Read moreThe Catalyst of Culture (Part 2)
When Scripture says to “Come out and be separate...”, it presupposes that there is something not good that we are to come out of, and something better to come out to, and a benchmark by which to measure it.
Read moreCoronaCrisis
My conviction is that God’s people shouldn’t stay home and wait this out. Instead, we should keep reaching out to the public with the love of Jesus and with God’s truth.
Read moreThe Catalyst of Culture (Part 1)
There is no one on the planet, not Christians, not Muslims; not men, not women; not saint, not sinner; not conservative, not liberal, who has not drunk the Kool-Aid of culture.
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