Joining social protests leads you into a spiral of political reaction that arouses resentment, hatred and anger, and leads people to stop focusing on Jesus and a better world to come.
Read moreThe Kente Cloth
Contrary to what America’s Marxist professoriate wants you to believe, slavery was not the special sin of white, Christian Americans. It was ubiquitous, temporally and geographically, until Christians changed the culture.
Read moreNashville Nuked On July 18, 2020?
Dear friends, the recent paid advertisement in the Tennessean reveals that the devil is up to his old tricks. A new date has been set (July 18), which will soon come and go. And once again, “Adventists and their faith” have mistakenly become “odious” to some.
Read moreEvidence That God Is Active
And now those parallels have persuaded him and his that Trump will be the last president, and, as mentioned above, that Nashville has less than a month before disaster.
Read moreHonor My Father?
Is all sin is based on lust and pride? Then I've been guilty in all three categories, I see. Is it fair to be so hard on Dad? What if he were to die unrepentant, still in his type of lust?
Read moreWho Are Christians Fighting?
Recently, while engaged in conversations about the protests and the discussions online, I recalled a story in Scripture and I remembered something from my past. Suddenly it clicked.
Read moreWas Jesus A Social Activist?
Friends, it’s not about justice, it’s about winning hearts by showing the love of God in our words and actions. Corrupt men cannot bring about justice, only God can do that – which He will when Jesus returns.
Read moreTestimonies Of The Lord's Work!
Just as we were about to read the last paragraph of the story, which is very beautiful, the Pink Floyd’s enthusiast and his friends again turned up the volume very loudly, and, an instant after that, two strange and grotesque moans were heard loudly outside our house.
Read moreHow Did Christ Protest?
Multitudes are thus led to believe that desire is the highest law, that license is liberty, and that man is accountable only to himself.
Read moreThe Cross, the Center of Christ’s Message to Laodicea
Furthermore, such trials purify our character. Providing the white garment of Christ’s own righteousness with an exclusive and expensive fabric with a pattern woven in the looms of heaven.
Read moreOlive Hemmings’ Anti-Bible Rant
The word of God in the Bible is the eternal standard by which earthly rulers are judged and held to account.
Read moreAnarchy and Tyranny
Do you think it’s wise for us to run from Romanism into anarchy and into the open arms of Marxism, falsely called ‘social justice?’ Is the atheistic authoritarian state friendly to religious liberty? No!
Read moreShow Me From the Bible!
Each person has a bias. I am biased, and even though I will do my level best to give the following texts a fair shake, and cover all that I can find related to this topic, I know this: that I am opposed to caffeine usage
Read moreWhy a Christian Should Not Get Involved With Black Lives Matter
Thus racism is the new witchcraft. Just like Salem's witches, it’s everywhere and in everything. But, if everything is racist, nothing is.
Read moreA Golden Opportunity
This message transcends race for it is to go to “every nation, tribe, tongue, and people” (Rev 14:6). In a time of anger and despair, we have a message of hope for it is the message of "the everlasting gospel.”
Read moreC.S. Lewis’ Critique on Subjective Morality and its Application to Homosexuality
The minority guides the majority in matters of morality. This is seen today in the redefining of morality by homosexuals, a minority in the population.
Read moreNot Forsaking The Assembling of Ourselves Together
Aren't you glad you're part of the family of God? Isn't it good to get back together again after a long separation? Like when you send somebody away on a mission and they come back; it's homecoming!
Read moreThe Vital Role Of Family Worship
We are not to have homes where the children are allowed to have their own way and the parents acquiesce. We don’t give 4 y.o.’s the key to the car and let them drive.
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