Christianity, at its very core, is a positive and uniting religion because it sees humans as a single group. It teaches that “He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth” (Acts 17:26). in contrast, critical race theory is intentional about dividing us.
Read moreA German Legacy of Shame
In an effort to protect themselves, they became complicit in Hitler’s persecution of the Jews and fellow Christians. Now, predictably, they have jumped on the bandwagon with those who accuse the world church of being a “misogynistic” church.
Read moreThe April-24 NAD Christian Nationalism Social Justice Polilib Woke Symposium
The idea that you can target an ethnic group with a collective crime, regardless of the specific guilt or innocence of the constituent elements of that group is the height of racism. There is nothing more racist than that.
Read moreBlueberry Evangelist
Family members needed to know God’s end-time messages. Where could she begin? She began by regularly attending her new church home and participating wholeheartedly. She introduced her husband and friends to her new church family.
Read moreA Third Open Letter to Glenn Townend, SPD President
It is clear that Avondale has staff who are quietly influencing young SDAs towards full acceptance of LGBTQIA relationships, as I hope to show you in coming days.
Read moreShipwrecked College Faith and Recovery
Let the students attending our colleges beware of many pitfalls which they will encounter while attending an Adventist college. Don’t be like me when I thought an Adventist college was an extended arm to help me in faith building.
Read morePerfection is no Safeguard from Sin
Let that sink in for a moment. Perfection of environment, and perfection of nature were no guarantee against sin. They both failed, and failed miserably.
Read moreChanging the Political and Religious Colors of The United States
He also said that the more the government expands, the more individual freedoms are curtailed, because God is discarded in favor of the government.
Read moreTal Bachman: Wokism Answers Nones' Need for Meaning
Tal Bachman argues that, as horrible as we find the ideology of critical race theory, the otherwise religion-less Millennials, the “nones", are finding meaning and purpose in “wokism”
Read moreRetiring GC Secretary and GC Treasurer Both Replaced At Spring Council Today
Out of several names that were suggested for this position, the nominating committee chose Erton Kohler, the previous South American Division President. The motion to elect (Item 301) was voted on at 8:26 AM this morning.
Read moreSPD President Responds to Open Letter Regarding LGBTQ Support At Avondale
The true church always celebrates the truth, not diversity, and truth requires repenting of homosexual sin, not celebrating it or justifying it.
Read moreIssues in Music And Worship
Unholy music has boldly walked into the church and transformed it from a house of prayer into a citadel of revelry and counterfeit worship, with emotionalism and 'much excitement but little repentance from sin!
Read moreThe Paradox of Equality
World leaders claim to be advocates of diversity, but what they attempt is to apply to us the uniformity of the copy machine, with them making the copies.
Read moreOpen Borders, Closed Churches, and the Lamb-like Beast of Revelation 13
We have our Bibles to teach us to avoid these deceptions and we need to turn its pages, studying to be wise as serpents while remaining gentle as doves (Matthew 10:16).
Read moreRepentance
But mention the word ‘repentance’ and you are about a popular as General Sherman at a Georgia picnic, or a pork chop at an SDA potluck (that actually might be a good opportunity for repentance).
Read more#2 Open Letter From Young Adventist To Glenn Townend Regarding Avondale
When young, Bible-believing Christians see Avondale compromising like this, we cringe. Our church's college is accepting the Left agenda, not swimming against the tide of our culture, but going with the flow like a dead fish.
Read moreOpen Letter to SPD President Regarding Preacher's Defense Of Pederasty In Sermon
Brenton Stacey from Avondale said that the Roman Centurion and his servant whom Jesus healed in John 8 were in a sexual relationship.
Read moreThe Others
If we as Christians are truly honest with ourselves, we would understand that many of the world’s perils that we blame on “the others” are truly our fault.
Read moreEnd Time Prophecies And Deceptive Spiritual Influences
David Gates said in October 2018: “I wanted to make that very clear [that “he’s not” setting dates]. But he claimed Sunday Law will come in March 2019. Is that not setting dates?
Read moreFear Not
If someone as all-powerful and all-knowing as God tells us not to fear, what can we assume? That He knows what is coming and is prepared for it. He has more ways to provide for us than we can think of.
Read more