How can we credibly give these 3 Angel’s Messages to the world—which is our official mission, while retaining in our midst those compromising, either in belief or practice, the creation institution of marriage?
Read moreUpdate on Moral Freedom Seminar in Gränna Sweden !!

At the end, the Christian politician who attended over the weekend, approached Anna Mellin, who was instrumental in organizing the event, and asked that they pray over me. He said that he was very happy that he came.
Read moreWorld Health Organization Says Gender is Non-Binary
The World Health Organization is updating its guidance on gender to declare that “sex is not limited to male or female.”
Read moreA Compassionate Response to a Public Outcry
We pride ourselves with prophetic light, as though that’s all we need to sustain what has become a brittle and disintegrating denomination. The lack of spiritual guidance, can certainly “feel” like “spiritual abuse.”
Read moreLoma Linda University Endorses Pride
“In that day you shall not be shamed for any of your deeds In which you transgress against Me; For then I will take away from the midst of thee those who rejoice in thy pride” (Zephaniah 3:11).
Read moreStudents From Walla Walla Protest Sabbath Sermon on Resolving LGBTQ Sin
The meeting also drew protesters, many of them from nearby Walla Walla University. These pro-LGBTQ protesters stood on the sidewalk outside, some of them waving signs that said “I’m gay, SDA, and it’s ok!”
Read moreWhat's the Big Deal About Conversion/Reparative Therapy? (Conclusion)
I could share numerous incidents of grave concern, as I am widely traveled and acutely aware of the powerful escalation of LGBT+ rights on our campuses and in our churches today.
Read moreWhat's The Big Deal About Conversion/Reparative Therapy? (Part 1)
LGBTQ Activists have campaigned with legislative lobbying, bringing bills and claims before governments which impede upon both freedom of speech and religious freedom. This includes praying with someone who is voluntarily seeking to leave LGBT+ culture for Jesus Christ.
Read moreFormer Adventist Review Editor Becomes Director at Homosexual Organization
Our world-loving spiritually-confused church has a heavy infestation of these folks. Except for repentance, some church leaders today will be the champions of sin tomorrow.
Read moreAre You Related To Lot's Wife?
Worship is a routine formality that just happens to fall on the seventh day of the week. Would you withstand persecution for it? Would we currently withstand persecution for anything pertaining to God?
Read moreSPD President Responds to Open Letter Regarding LGBTQ Support At Avondale
The true church always celebrates the truth, not diversity, and truth requires repenting of homosexual sin, not celebrating it or justifying it.
Read more#2 Open Letter From Young Adventist To Glenn Townend Regarding Avondale
When young, Bible-believing Christians see Avondale compromising like this, we cringe. Our church's college is accepting the Left agenda, not swimming against the tide of our culture, but going with the flow like a dead fish.
Read moreOpen Letter to SPD President Regarding Preacher's Defense Of Pederasty In Sermon
Brenton Stacey from Avondale said that the Roman Centurion and his servant whom Jesus healed in John 8 were in a sexual relationship.
Read moreYou've Got It All Wrong
May you discover that there is something higher than your human hands can reach, and through that fog, the Creator and Redeemer reaches down through this dark world that is clouded by sensuality.
Read moreGuiding Families of LGBT+ Loved Ones (Adventist Edition) -- Biblical and Denominational Sabotage?
If you’ve made up your mind and are no longer interested in Biblical enlightenment, this article is not for you. It will only anger you. And I don’t want to anger or upset anyone.
Read moreThe Sad Fruit of Mysticism & Liberalism in Ohio: Gina Helbley
I like to think those who heard Jesus understood he was talking about a kingdom that was as impartial and generous as Shiva. Where there's room for everyone and everything…
Read moreIt Couldn't Happen To Adventists?
Today, most of society and an ever-increasing number of Christians are embracing homosexuality with an “anything goes” attitude secured by nothing more than how someone “feels.”
Read moreThe Gospel According to Satan
My dear brothers and sisters. You are paying large sums of money to institutions of education. What are you getting in return? Are you receiving a “Thus saith the Lord?” You are not.
Read moreSwedish Bible Leader Writes Letter To Swedish Union About LGBTQ 'Position Paper'
A true surrender to Christ is exactly what it means; that you submit to the terms of God, not your own terms, as LGBTQ will. You cannot both eat the cake and keep it.
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