Certainly the Adventist 'church' is no ordinary body. It is a Movement, called of God to prepare a dying world for the soon return of the Lord Jesus.
Read moreHow Does Covid Affect Christian Character?
Whatever ways you handle our current situation, know one thing. God is still in control and any situation that we are in, if we are believers we are to maintain our Christian character.
Read moreThe South American Division Authorizes The Ordination of Women As Elders
Does the Bible authorize the use of neutral language for the ordination of elders and pastors? No. Neutral language is typical of modern times when more sexual genders are being invented.
Read moreSatan’s Governance Weighed in the Balance and Found Wanting
When everything comes to an end, every mind will vividly see how truly wanting are the forms of rule that Lucifer has been allowed to demonstrate. He seeks power, but as we have seen throughout the ages, he is completely incapable of sustainable governance.
Read moreWomen Elders Vote Is a Step Away from the Bible
To continue the practice of ordaining women as elders, just now, when God’s church has opportunity to be a voice for the kingdom instead of the culture, is to wave the white-flag of surrender.
Read moreJust Forgiven?
Whenever sin is pointed out we often hear the reply, “What do you expect, I’m only human?” While we are all born with a propensity for sin, Jesus tells us we need to be “born again.” he explains this concept to Nicodemus.
Read moreJon Paulien and the End-Time Sunday Laws
Jon Paulien says that Ellen White is a “classical prophet” of the type whose prophecies are often conditional, and that her predictions regarding the end-time Sunday Law cannot be expected to come true as written. Is he right?
Read moreReviewing the July 3 NAD Public Affairs Religious Liberty Panel Discussion
Often, religious liberty voices have been wrapped around legalese, instead of being relevant to the advancement of the Advent message commissioned to Seventh-day Adventists.
Read morePope Francis: Let Us Dream—Kirkpatrick Reacts
Outwardly, the ‘Pope in lockdown,’ cut off from the people looked helpless. Yet those close to him told me the opposite: that he was energized by what he saw as a threshold moment, and the movement of spirits beneath its surface.
Read moreDeclaring Independence Again: Coercion and Liberty of Conscience
There will be people in heaven who took the vaccine; and there will be people in heaven who did not take the vaccine. But there will be nobody in heaven who bowed down to the idol of coercion.
Read moreWhat Was in the Ark of the Covenant? (Part 2). Understanding Hebrews 9:1-5
Remember, Paul emphasizes that he is not speaking about the details. In Hebrew 9 he is simply comparing the High Priestly service of Jesus in heaven to the service of the high priest on earth. That is his main goal and reason for argumentation.
Read moreWhat Was in the Ark of the Covenant?
The next morning the rod of Aaron bloomed. And then we read that the Lord commands to bring the rod again before the testimony to be kept as a perpetual remembrance.
Read moreDear Liberal Adventism, Your Fascination With Deviant Sexuality Is Showing
Liberal adventists like celebrating stuff. It gets your heart rate up, and is way more exciting than humbling yourself in this anti-typical Day of Atonement. Its…it’s…it’s like dancing around an idol at the foot of Sinai.
Read moreIs “The Chosen” worth Choosing?
When I first saw the first video trailers on Facebook I largely ignored it. I was too cheap to plunk down money. But when the producers made the first season tantalizingly free to watch, my curiosity kicked in…
Read moreDear Alex Bryan, Politics Is An Empty Substitute For True Religion
I am speaking as a former Progressive SDA. Years ago I saw that Progressive SDA’s were moving away from actual progress in theological terms and replacing theology with progressive political views.
Read moreMy Troubling Experiences With Adventist Education
More recently, about 6 years ago, my sister-in-law took a religion class at Loma Linda University from David Larson in which he very emotionally defended homosexuality.
Read moreIs God Really a She? — Let Your Voice Be Heard
The article received a lot of attention and was shared by hundreds of people who were very concerned about this pastor.
Read moreHow to be AntiRacist
At every turn, whether it is feminism, gayness, lesbianism, racism, transgenderism, Kendi aligns with the new views all occupied with critiquing, deconstructing, revising, reenvisioning the important history and values which underwrite our civilization.
Read moreWe Ought To Hear Both Sides Of The Story Regarding Vaccines
As a mentor of mine said to me on the phone the other day, “Scott, remember this: there will be many in heaven who took the COVID vaccines and many in heaven who did not take the COVID vaccines... but there will be no one in heaven who used coercion.”
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